Holiday’s Contest

CONTEST: ‘Tis the Season…For A Non-Denominational, Secular Winter Solstice Contest!

Happy The-Northern-Hemisphere-Of-The-Earth-Is-Tilted-Away-From-The-Sun Day!

Whatever your reason for celebrating over the next several weeks, one most folks agree on is SCIENCE! So let’s kick off the Winter Solstice in style with a celebratory contest! You’ve got two weeks to come up with a creative build featuring the new R26 blocks. On Monday, January 4th, we’ll pick our 5 favorite entries as the winners.


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Winter Sale Spectacular — Creativerse is 40% off through January 2nd!

UPDATE: We decided to extend our sale another 2 weeks. Creativerse will remain now 40% off through Jan 2, 2015!

With all apologies to our southern hemisphere players, winter is coming. To prepare against the cold, we need more players to heat up our servers, which double as Playful HQ’s heating system.

In all seriousness, we are feeling good enough about Creativerse’s stability that we are ready to widen the audience a bit and really see what our servers can handle. We’re hoping a sale will help us get there. It’s an essential step on our journey to eventually going free to play next year.

You can help us by letting your friends know and then playing the heck out of Creativerse together. It’s the perfect time to get together and let your friends build a temple to your glory while renting them space in your catacombs for the small price of 17 tempered iron bars a day.

And remember, your feedback has already helped shape the game into something incredible! We’re relying on your continued participation to help us make Creativerse the pinnacle of sandbox adventure games! Let’s keep crafting our world together!

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